courage to create her own dialect to help any foreighner asked route directions to make Him or Her to get to their destination,sometimes even an educated person fails to do as She did, successfully?!!Thanks to her ,i am CERTAIN 200% we have seen that>MANDIL EL HELOO,when i was about 5./6 or maybe 7 years old,but believe me I cant remember any scene of it?.Yes i do like the late crooner Mr.ABDEL AZIZ MAHMOUDs & His mind/soul relaxing voice and songs,especially movie s title song MANDEEL EL HELO. As an Arabic movies addict,thanks to my late mother Mrs.Knarig,and i confirm her SHAMELESSLY that SHE was ILLITERATE even in Armenian language or even Turkish she used ,occasionally ,which, We and She ,but She liked the Movies and understood 80% of the conversations in Egyptian-Arabic accent,but never read or wrote, but still i am proud of her not just because She was my MOTHER,also of her courage.